Standing on a strange shore- This desolate coastline, It offers cold comfort. Very little more than the sky For a blanket The earth for my bed. [THE SISTERS OF WYRD:] "Thethreads upon the loom of life Have foreordained your coming here, So weep not mannikin of mankind Dry your worthless puppet-tears." Unanswered questions- How they play on my mind, Now that darkness is falling and Still there's no sign of my guide. Either I have been betrayed- They have left me to die, Or worse still at this moment he lies- An unwitting victim by brigands attacked, Left naked and dead with a knife In his back. Childhood terrors return to me now, From the rand stench of fear in The sweat on my brow. Deciet and despair are to me Kith and kin, Seduced into slumber- My nightmare begins. "Welcome - welcome to my domain, I have been biding my time. Watching and waiting - But now you are mine. Weaving the web that entwines you, Like a puppet you play on the end Of your strings 'till the end of Your days." Daylight flees as night gives chase I'm held in panics dank embrace, I smother in his cold caress - The sum of all my worthlessness. I have been told to thank the Lord For all that He will send, But if death should come to meet me - Must I greet him as a friend? Now I see that this quest is A test of my fidelity - Has God forsaken me? When maddness sings his lullaby a Nightmare filled with unknown things - To cast aspersion on my sanity. Faith starts to flounder in A mind torn apart, My thoughts move in time with The beat of my heart A creature of habit I make easy prey, Cross faith and fire cannot Hold at bay the beast that Pursues me - The end drawing near. My soul keeps no secrets - He knows what I fear. Flying so high on the wings Of a dream, Over mountain and forest - 'cross river and stream. While the creatures that feed Off the doubts I invent Await my arrival with evil intent. "Welcome - welcome to my domain, I have been biding my time. Watching and waiting - But now you are mine. Weaving the web that entwines you, Like a puppet you play on the end Of your strings 'till the end of Your days." So in that twilight world that Lies amidst life and death I dream, And writhe in fitful slumber no-one Hears mjy silent screams. Except the horses head that stares With black and lifeless eyes, Atop its totem glaring as it mocks My helpless cries. Now I see that this quest is A test of my fidelity - Has God forsaken me? When maddness sings his lullaby a Nightmare filled with unknown things - To cast aspersion on my sanity. Shapeless form surround me Casting shadows in the night, I feel their breath upon me- Catch their faces in the light. Somnambulistic hunters come To prey upon my fears - As peals of psycopathic laughter Echo in my ears. Startled I waken from my Death-like sleep, Though fearful and shaken I crawl to my feet. Still my memories taunt me - Like ghosts they appear, Forever to haunt me when Darkness draws near. "Welcome - welcome to my domain, I have been biding my time. Watching and waiting - But now you are mine. Weaving the web that entwines you, Like a puppet you play on the end Of your strings 'till the end of Your days." Then fleeing from the terrors At the night before I leave, The remenants of reality behind Me 'neath the trees. Waking in the light of dawn I Pray that God will send - His wisdom now to guide me Through this night-time without end. Now I see that this quest is A test of my fidelity- Has God forsaken me? When madness sings his lullaby a Nightmare filled with unknown things - To cast aspersion on my sanity.