well i found a bunch of letters that were written for the fella who broke your momma's heart and the envelope folds, smelled of her ancient perfume i'll bet she didn't know how to respond before the blankets of snow caught him out wandering alone with no place to go there were stars in the sky there were houses on the hill and there bottles of pills that were easy to buy to keep her warm from the oncoming storm well i found them in the northwest corner of the attic in a box labeled "tinsel and lights" didn't know what i was i looking for maybe just a blanket or artifacts eisenhower sent him to war he kept her picture in his pocket that was closest to his heart and when he hit shore must have been a target for the gunman there were stars in the sky there were bunkers on the hill and there were caskets to fill where he will lie shrouded in the red white and blue with the stripes there were stars in the sky there were houses on the hill and there were bottles of pills that were easy to buy to keep her warm from the oncoming storm Bem eu encontrei um monte de cartas Que foram escritas pelo cara que quebrou o coração da mamãe E as dobras do envelope, cheiravam com o perfume atigo dela Aposto que ela não sabia Como responder antes dos cobertores de neve Pegou ele e vagou sozinha Sem lugar para ir Havia estrelas do céu Havia casas na colina E há garrfas de comprimido que eram fáceis de comprar Para manter o calor dela na tempestade que se aproxima Bem, eu encontrei-os no canto noroeste do sótão em uma caixa rotulado como "enfeites e luzes" não sabia o que eu estava procurando por talvez apenas um cobertor ou artefatos Eisenhower enviou ele para a guerra ele manteve a foto dela no bolso que era o mais próximo ao seu coração e quando ele caiu de costa deve ter sido um alvo para o atirador havia estrelas no céu havia caixas no morro e houve caixões para preencher onde ele vai deitar envolta em vermelho, branco e azul com as listras Havia estrelas do céu Havia casas na colina E há garrfas de comprimido que eram fáceis de comprar Para manter o calor dela na tempestade que se aproxima