


Push play, turn out the lights,
Quietly on the floor i lie,
With my foot i close the bedroom door.
I can see shadow lines,
From tree tops on the hill side,
And moonlight glows through the window sill.

Close my eyes, fall asleep,
Cause i've got no where i'm supposed to be.
Checking in early on a friday night.
I should be out on the town,
Playing a show with my friends around,
But i don't feel like playing much at all.

There are sometimes,
When i just feel like i want to be,
I want to be alone.
And there are sometimes,
When i just feel like i've got no place,
I've got no place to go.
There are sometimes,
When i just fell like i want to be,
I want to be alone.

People's feet on a busy street.
Wake up to the sirens scream,
As they echo off the buildings on my block.
Out the door down the stairs,
To my car that's waiting there,
As i go to get some groceries at the store.

Waking up in the back of the van
With my head laying there,
Between my hands,
As i listen to the roadway pass us by.