Tom: A INTRO (fade in) intro fill 1 2 3 4 1(2)+ + + 1 2 (3,4) E|---8-8-8-8--|-8---6-3-4-|-4-1------| B|---8-8-8-8-*|-8---6-3-4-|-4-1------| G:4--8-8-8-8--|-8---7-3-5-|-5-1------| D:4-----------|-----------|----------| A:|-----------*|-----------|----------| E:|------------|-----------|----------| VERSE 2 4 2 + 1 3 1 + 4 e:-8-4-|-8-8-|-8-4-|-8-8-8-| B:-8-4-|-8-8-|-8-4-|-8-8-8-| G:-8-5-|-8-8-|-8-5-|-8-8-8-| D|-----|-----|-----|-------| A|-----|-----|-----|-------| E|-----|-----|-----|-------| Play verse x5 (fill to prechorus 5th x, I can't figure it out) PDC HORUS 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + E|-----------------|------------------| B|-----------------|-----------------*| G|-----------------|------------------| D|-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-|-8-8-8-8-------8--| A|-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-|-8-8-8-8---6---8-*| E|-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-|-6-6-6-6-8---8-6--| Play a few times, then 1 + + + + + 3 E|-----------|---------| B|-----------|---------| G|-----------|---------| D:-6-6-13-13-|-13-12-8-| A:-6-6-13-13-|-13-12-6-| E:-4-4-11-11-|-11-10-6-| Gtr 2 can use X688XX and X577XX for (11)(13)(13)XXX and (10)(12)(12)XXX for tab sake, I used the high chords Play Prechorus some more,then play the intro fill CHORUS 2 + 4 2 + 4 + 2 + 4 2 + 4 + E|-------8-|---------|-----6-|---------| B|-------8-|---------|-----6-|---------| G|-------8-|---------|-----7-|---------| D|-10-10---|-8-8-8-8-|-8-8---|-6-6-6-6-| A|-10-10---|-8-8-8-8-|-8-8---|-6-6-6-6-| E|--8--8---|-6-6-6-6-|-6-6---|-4-4-4-4-|--8| then play prechorus fill,chorus, & intro riff go back to verse & repeat song w/variations OUTRO rest a few bars, then 1 1 1 1 3 E|--8-|-6-|-4-|-4-6--| B|--8-|-6-|-4-|-4-6-*| G|--8-|-7-|-5-|-5-7--| D|-10-|-8-|-6-|-6-8--| A:-10-|-8-|-6-|-6-8-*| E:|--8-|-6-|-4-|-4-6--|