>From the album 2112 (Mercury Records) Music by Lee and Lifeson Lyrics by Peart Comments/corrections to Sean Jones Transcribed by Sean Jones q e e e e q ||----17----||-----r---r---|--- ||----mm----||-9-7-e-5-e-9\|--- ||---rest---||-----s---s---|--- ||----------||-----t---t---|--- Q e h q e e e e e e Q e h q e e e e q Q e Q s s q e |-------|-----r---r---r-|-------|-----r---r---|-----------|------- |-------|-5-7-e-5-e-4-e-|-------|-9-7-e-5-e-9\|-------5-5-|-5-7--- |-5---5-|-----s---s---s-|/7-4---|-----s---s---|-5---5-----|------- |---5---|-----t---t---t-|-----5-|-----t---t---|---5-------|------- e e e q Q e q q h+e e q h+e e q h+e e q q^q^q^q q r---r---|----------|---------|---------|---------|------------|--- e-5-e-4\|----------|---------|---------|---------|------------|--- s---s---|-7-4---12\|-2-------|---------|---------|-5-4-----12\|--- t---t---|-----5----|-----0-2-|-3---2-3-|-5---4-5-|-----5-7----|--- Q q e q Q q e q Q q e q q^q^q^q q q q q q e e --------|---------|---------|---------r-|-----------|---------r--- --------|---------|---------|---------e-|-3:--------|-4:--9-7-e--- 2-2-----|---------|---------|-5-4-----s-|-4:--3-5---|-4:------s--- ----0-2-|-3-3-2-3-|-5-5-4-5-|-----5-7-t-|---------5-|---------t--- e e q Q e h q e e e e s s E Q e Q s s q e e e e e e Q e --r---|-------|-----r---r-------|-----------|-----r---r---r-|----- 5-e-9\|-------|-5-7-e-5-e-4-5-5-|-------9-9-|-9-7-e-5-e-9-e-|----- --s---|-5---5-|-----s---s-------|-7-4-------|-----s---s---s-|-5--- --t---|---5---|-----t---t-------|-----5-----|-----t---t---t-|---5- h q e e e e s s E Q e Q s s q e e e e e e Q e Q e q --|-----r---r-------|-----------|-------r---r---r-|---------|----- --|-5-7-e-5-e-4-5-5-|-------9-9-|---9-7-e-5-e-9-e-|---------|-5--- 5-|-----s---s-------|-7-4-------|-------s---s---s-|-5---5-5-|----- --|-----t---t-------|-----5-----|-------t---t---t-|---5-----|----- e e e e s s E Q e Q e h+e e q Q+q e q q e e+h+ w --r---r-------|----------|---------|---------|---r-----|---||--- 7-e-5-e-4-5-5-|-------12\|---------|---------|---e-----|---||--- --s---s-------|-7-4------|-2-------|---------|-5-s-----|---||--- --t---t-------|-----5----|-----2-3-|-3---2-3-|---t-0---|---||--- ================================================================== == TABLATURE EXPLANATION == ================================================================== ---------- ---------- ----5h8--- Hammeron ----(8)--- Ghost Note ---------- ---------- ----5p8--- Pulloff ---------- ---------- ---------- ----5/8--- Slide Up -----x---- Dead Note ---------- ---------- ----5\8--- Slide Down ---------- ---------- ||------|| Repeat Start & End ----5~~~-- Vibrato ||*----*|| ---------- ||*----*|| ---------- ||------|| Rhythm: w = whole note W = dotted whole h = half note H = dotted half q = quarter note Q = dotted quarter e = eighth note E = dotted eighth s = sixteenth note S = dotted sixteenth ^ = triplet ================================================================== == Created with a demo version of BUCKET O' TAB == == tablature creation software for Windows == == For more info email * == ==================================================================