Strike up the band Paint a smile upon my face Oh, you left before the end Chapter two, turn another page 'Cause I won't let the spotlight See the heartbreak in my lovelight When the laughter starts to fade You won't see me crying on the dance floor (Crying, crying) You won't see me crying on the dance floor (Crying, crying, crying) You won't see me crying on the dance floor You won't see me crying on the dance floor You won't see me crying on the dance floor Strike up the band Paint a smile upon my face Oh, you left before the end Chapter two, turn another page 'Cause I won't let the spotlight See the heartbreak in my lovelight When the laughter starts to fade You won't see me crying on the dance floor (Crying, crying) Crying on the dance floor (Crying, crying, crying) Crying on the dance floor (Crying, crying) Crying on the dance floor (Crying, crying, crying) Crying on the dance floor (Crying, crying, crying) Crying on the dance floor