Duisg mo run is tuiginn leam Tog do shùilean fada bhuat Air trean a Bhail'loch, cur am baile ri d'chùl Is leanaidh sinn a'gheallaich. A'seasamh air an rathad dol tuath Do'n Eilean Sgiathanach air cuairt Chi sinn oidhche air rathad a'Chaoil 'S na Cuillthionn anns a'mhadainn. Cum a mach do shuil is eisd Airson cuibhlean luath an laraidh eisg 'S theid sinn le ur n-òrdag na'r uine fhein Nas fhaisge air an eilean. Tha'n t-àm seo bliadhna neisd air tighinn Bhith 'r ais 's an fhraoich a rithis 'se mo mhiann Teas an fheasgair air mo dhruim Is Sgurr a'Mhadaidh Ruadh 'nam choinneamh Wake up my love, let's go Look towards a horizon On a train to Balloch, leave the city behind Let us follow the moon Standing on the north road Trying to make it to the Isle of Skye We will see night fall on the road to Kyle And the Cuillin in the morning Keep your eyes open and listen For the speedy wheels of the fish lorries In our own time we will hitch-hike Ever nearer to the island This time of year has now, arrived Being back on the moor again, is my desire The afternoon heat falling on my back And the Hill of The Red Fox in front of me