Love is like a rose - beautiful, but there are thorns Ged 's breagha an ròs le dhuilleagan sioda Faile cho cubhraidh, cubhraidh bho chridh Na buain e ri'd mhairean oir ni e do mhealladh Tha dubhan geur puinnsein, geur puinnsein fo sgeith. Chreid mi na briathran, a h-uile ni riamh dheth Gur breagha 's gur cubhraidh, cubhraidh am blàth Bhuain mi am flùran, mar Adhamh an ùbhlan 'S leonadh mo chridhe, mo chridhe gu bràth. Tha mi nis a crionadh is m'inntinn air phianadh 'S mo shuilean a sior, sior shileadh dheur 'S ged 's tric rinn mi gaire, tha sin nis air an fhaire 'S mo chridhe briste bruite, briste bruite gu leur. Ged 's breagha an ròs le dhuilleagan sioda Faile cho cubhraidh, cubhraidh bho chridh Na buain e ri'd mhairean oir ni e do mhealladh Tha dubhan geur puinnsein, geur puinnsein fo sgeith. --oOo-- Although the rose is beautiful with leaves like silk With an enticing aroma, enticing from its heart Don't ever pick it, or it will deceive you For there are bitter, poisonous barbs beneath the surface I believed every word, every single word So plausible and completely beguiling I plucked the flower as Adam plucked the apple And my heart has been wounded, wounded completely I am now withering, my mind tormented My eyes continuously shedding tears Although I have often laughed, we are now watchful And my heart has been completely broken