Wanna know what makes me mad? People older than seventy They're always like "Eh back in my day the year was 1903" They say they know everything But they can't do shit without your help "You kids with your sort-sleeve shirts Eh, I just crapped myself..." Old ass grandpas all sit outside "Ahh" And bitch about how shit used To cost a dime "It cost uh" They run us over Why can't they drive? "Well, back in my day Negroes gave us piggy-back Rides" I just don't like old people 'Cause they want everyone to Wipe their butts "Wait there's more!" Old people are fucking dumb They always want to you tell about The war "Back in the war, uphill both ways" Old people won't never be quiet Well, I guess they will when they die Because they got alzheimers and Cancer "Well, at least I don't have alzheimers" They drive those high-tech scooters And they can't work cell-phones Or computers We gotta stand in line all day At the self-checkout Because they think its magic Old ass white boys Think that they're smart "Huh I invented the wheel and fire and farts" They're all good christians "'Cause I knew christ" They need him now, because... "I'm deaf and blind" Old people, get off the road! Why don't y'all Ever flush the toilet bowl "Eh how do I work this thing?" And the pope is as old as dirt And he lets people Touch young little boys "Eh guess who's got some candy?" I dont like old geezers, they think that "Russian people did that 9/11 day" They spend their life on the porch smoking their pipe And calling everyone else lazy You wanna know why I really hate them? Because their gonna die soon, so I get attached, ya know? Let's take grandpa out on the boat one last time and drop him off To swim off peacefully into the night Here you go, gramps Ah, grandpa sure did love the ocean That's the way he would've wanted it Ya know? I can still hear his voice I sure am gonna miss that old faggot! Fuck them old people (cause they all) Take a dump in their diapers "There's my raisin bran!" Old people like apple-sauce And they all Call coca-cola, soda pop "Eh don't drink too much soda pop" Old people belong in a Old age home They're too old to live with u "But I built this house!" Old people are dumb as fuck All their teeth fall out When they chew apples "Where they go?" "Eh what's with all these sports you play these days? Ski that's a sport If not for the hill, they'd be standing still there Uhh All these channels you have on your television Back in my day, the radio had two channels On and off