Rotting Christ

In The Name Of God

Rotting Christ

Since man cannot live without miracles
He will provide himself with the miracles of his own making
He will believe in any kind of deity even though he may otherwise be a heretic, an atheist, and a rebel

In the age of hell
In the age of fire
In the name of God
In the holy empire
Burn the witch in pyre

In the name of God
In the name of fire
For the grace of God
For the saints, for liars
In the name of Lord
To impure desire
You, the greatest one
Blow up the pyre

O Lord our God, help us to tear their bodies to bloody shreds with our shells
Help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded

In the name of God
In the name of fire
For an endless life
In the holy empire
In the name of hell
Your souls inquire
The warmth on my face
Is the hot of fire

In the name of God
In the name of fire
For the grace of God
For the saints, for liars
In the name of Lord
To impure desire
You, the greatest one
Blow up the pyre