Today I introduced myself ot a new world 
This unimaginable agony 
Silent though so painful! 
After all these years it still speaks to me 

Eventually, my inner sanctum fell torn apart 
Once it's here and once it's there... 
A picture so common that it is in no need of description 
Numbers... a system the whole earthly nature is based upon? 

A system so hardly explained, 
A system many would consider a nonsense 
Some would not, though 
These few... they definitely wouldn't 

Sun disappears in the night of a day, 
This disaster never stops 
Mind over matter or matter over mind? 
Think, and think, and think 

Numbers all over the place... 
Weird yet logical predictions proved to be right 
Haunting shades unbound... 
A universe of absurdity 

Chaos? A mirage I would laugh at if I could! 
Order gave birth to order, and order named man 
Gave birth to chaos which is but a tool 
To activate one's mind 

Rationality's ruined by a hollow life of reason 
My way's muted, my sight's blurred.. 
My ability to think, realize and analyze 
Still increases 

Welcome back the sacred aim, 
And goodbye earthly damaged shape 
I found the true name of god