
...Unto The Dimensional Complexity


Sham ecstasy or aggressive apathy 
Forsaken space or ungodly garce 
Star-ashen depravity or the lack of gravity 
Futile malevolence or sick coherence 

Seductive immortality or heartless subnormality 
Vicious purity or envenomed obscurity 
Chthonian dawn or hesperus' throne 
Deflowered misjudgment or logical confinement 

Abducted abandoned abruptly asphyxiated 
Beaten broken blandy bestialized 
Angelized apathized apologetically abused 
Blinded bereft becomingly beheaded 

Cautioned cribbed cravenly condemned 

Devoured decapitated divinely disincarnated 
Enthroned entangled entirely eviscerated 
Dethroned degraded deleteriously demented 
Enlightened erased equivocally ensepulchered 

Sham ecstasy or aggressive apathy 
Forsaken space or ungodly garce 
Star-ashen depravity or the lack of gravity 
Futile malevolence or sick coherence 

Seductive immortality or heartless subnormality 
Vicious purity or envenomed obscurity 
Chthonian dawn or hesperus' throne 
Deflowered misjudgment or logical confinement 

Incommutable inconsequence... 
... or diversionary law of the laws?