Monica: One, two, three, four! Both: Ahh I'm a danger to society And I'm a stranger to sobriety But to the left and to the right of me I am gaining a variety Can you hear the radio? Everybody loves a nineteen hero Ian: I am horrible Monica: Absolutely diabolical Ian: Above eccentricity Monica: Is great publicity! You put me in the paper Ian: Spin me on your stereo Both: Round and around and away we go! All I want is everything All I want is more I was born for everything That's what I live for Announcer: This Roger Hartby, Radio 1, with The Diabolicals. Monica: You're ugly! Announcer: Lillian Filth, how does it feel to be number 29 on the charts? Monica: Bollocks! It's great. Ian: We're number 28. Monica: With a bullet. Ian: We're number 17. Monica: We're looking good. Both: We're 10, Wait, 7- No, 6, 5, 4 Monica: Well, lick my bum. Ian: We're number one. Both: Maintain velocity, that's our philosophy Ian: I'm a genuine atrocity Monica: And that's a mighty curiousity! It's a ticket to the South of Record, Hollywood Ian: You may not like us Monica: But you should! Ian: Cause we're good! Both: We're really bloody good, oh All I want is everything All I want is more I was born for everything That's what I'm here for Everything, everything E-e-e-e-e-e-e All I want is everything Fuck you!