QUEENIE: Burrsie? Burrrrrrsie? Get me a cuppa coffee, baby. BURRS: Get it yourself, you lazy slut. QUEENIE: What'd you call me? BURRS: A lazy slut! QUEENIE: Call me a slut again, fuckface! I fucking dare you! BURRS: Put the fucking knife down, you goddamn crazy bitch! (Starts to laugh) Alright. Alright, Queenie. You fucking win. I give up. Just put the knife down, okay? QUEENIE: The fuck I will! I should fucking kill ya, you ugly old alcoholic piece of shit! And the next time you call me a lazy slut, I'll cut your fucking balls off and feed 'em to you for breakfast! BURRS (still laughing): Whatever you say, baby. Whatever you say. Listen, lemme make it up to you, alright? What'll make ya happy? I'll do anything, baby. QUEENIE: Anything? BURRS: Anything, sweetheart. You name it. QUEENIE: I wanna throw a party. BURRS: A party? Here? QUEENIE: That's what I said, you stupid piece of fuck. A party. Here. Tonight.