BLACK: So, uh, you should come to my parents' house in the Hamptons sometime. QUEENIE: That would be...nice. BLACK: Yeah, I'm there like every day during the summer. There's a tennis court on the estate, and the polo grounds are really close by. QUEENIE: Yeah? You play? BLACK: You know, I never really got into it. But I do other sports. I do badminton. I do cycling. And uh, I was also on the rowing team. At Princeton. QUEENIE: Wow. BLACK: Yep. Yeah. Um, so you are, like, German, right? QUEENIE: No. Why? BLACK: Well it's just, you know, your hair is...really blonde. QUEENIE: I dye it. BLACK: Really? Wow. So what's your natural color? QUEENIE: Why don't you lift up my skirt and find out? BLACK: Oh!