Have you seen the Skinheads stompin' the down street? Wearin' jeans and braces, Boots on their feet. The Skinhead-Boom hit its peek in 1969! Those days are gone but we're alive 'cause we are back on the streets again! Refr. Back on the streets again! We're gonna fight and win 'cause we will never give in! Back on the streets again! We're standing strong and proud and we shout it out: Back on the streets! For all the prosecution and disrupting lies, media's defamation the spirit never dies! Even all the fascist scum couldn't take our pride away! We reconquered all we've lost 'cause we are back and we'll have our say! Look around all over the world: You'll see we're still alive! Yes, we are skinheads - strong and proud! And we are walking the way of life!