Fell into a sea of grass and disappeared among the shady blades Children all ran over me screaming "Tag...you are the one." He trips her as her sandals fail she says, "Stop - I'm a girl whose fingernails are made of a mother's pearl." Yellow buttercup, helicopters, orange bittercat chasing after the crazy bee, mad about somebody, oh no Me and my girlfriend don't wear no shoes her nose is painted pepper-sunlight She loves me, I mean it's serious as serious can be Well she sings a song and I listen to what it says: "Well if you want a friend, feed any animal." There's so much space I could cut me a piece with some fine wine it brought peace to my mind in the summertime, and it rolled Summer oh oh oh oh summertime rolls Me and my girlfriend don't wear no clothes, you know her nose is painted pepper-sunlight I love her, I mean it's oh-so serious as serious can be