You are robed in might and power And Your glory never fails, You're incomparable in beauty Where the beauty will not fade. And You have called us to a battle, You have called us to a life, And You equip us with Your power, You have bought us with a price. You are Alpha and Omega, My Beginning and my End. You're the ransom paid for many, You're the poorest sinner's friend. And You were humbled as a servant Though You are the King of kings. You speak words of grace and mercy And there is healing in Your wings. Whom have I in heaven but You Holy One, Holy One? Jesus Christ the righteous One, Holy One of God. There is one who stands against You The deceiver of the lost And he has taken many captives Who have wandered from the cross But my heart is with Your Kingdom And we will storm the gates of hell In the power of Your Spirit They can never once prevail. Whom have I in heaven but You Holy One, Holy One? Jesus Christ the righteous One, Holy One of God.