Robert Earl Keen

Travelin' Light

Robert Earl Keen

You've been standin' on the corner for a thousand nights
Ifs the slowest corner known to man
Watchin' strange faces passin' 'neath the lights 
With a bottle wavin' in your hand
You got just enough money for some nothin' to go 
It ain't exactly what you planned 
So lonesome that you can't even say hello 
And no one seems to understand

So you're a mixed up kid, come on and join the crowd 
The ones that only fit where they're not allowed 
Out on the streets and you're feelin' blue 
travelin' light 
With a hole in your soul where the wind blows through 
A hole in your soul where the wind blows through

You wandered away from your childhood home 
Nobody cared to trace 
the tracks you laid 
You traveled by night 
and you traveled alone 
Came to rest at a penny arcade 
Well, the last shots over 
on a Saturday night You wake up in the beam 
of a cop's flashlight
He asks you who you are as if you 
knew or you cared
He asks you where you live 
and you say nowhere


I don't know where I got it 
but, I got it the same 
It's a feelin' that'll rip you apart 
It follows me around 
like a part of my name 
Like I'm born with a time bomb 
instead of a heart
