Tom: E The chords are correct in the previous versions, so I thought I'd tab how I play the solo as I believe the other one on here is incorrect. * * / \ / \ / \ / \ e|-------------/-----\----|--------------/-----\----|------------------| B|-9----------/-------\---|--9----------/-------\---|--9---------------| G|---11p9----9--b--11-11--|----11p9----9--b--11-11--|----11p9----------| x4 D|--------11--------------|---------11--------------|---------11-9~~~--| A|------------------------|-------------------------|------------------| E|------------------------|-------------------------|------------------| Bm A E The chords played and when they're played are at the bottom. As stated, the whole thing is repeated 4 times. As always, listen to the song for timing. * = Gradually bend the note to the stated pitch, then strike note again whilst in the bend (..that's the best way I can describe it) p = pull off ~ = vibrato / let note ring