Tom: F I was trippin hard on shrooms when I figured this out. If for some reason you think its to tab techno music for guitar just play the guitar to the song, its really cool. I did on acoustic. If you rate ill put some time into making this tab waaaayyyy better, since impossible to find techno tabs. The song starts with these two chords : Am, C Then a little high pitched diddy comes in, I think its: e------12-10-12-10-12-10------| b-----------------------------| g-----------------------------| d-----------------------------| a-----------------------------| E-----------------------------| Next, that awesome warping melody that pretty much makes the song (make sure to just once and SLIDE, thats the only way it sounds cool): e-------------------------------------------------------| b---------8s10s8s10--10--10-----8s10s8s10--10--8--------| g-------------------------------------------------------| d-------------------------------------------------------| a-------------------------------------------------------| E-------------------------------------------------------| http://*