he had an in-bred smile, had a cold steel grip never wanted to cry, never wanted to slip his eyes would undress any woman he met like a hungry junkie needin' just one more hit and tact, just wasn't his trait been workin' too long givin' all it takes to make a livin' out of diggin', but he never complained nobody listened and nothin' was gained just a product of a southern land she was a hard sell woman, she tried to look her best she put up with fools if she thought she could get a little bit ahead just payin' the rent or taken out to dinner with flowers and respect and lyin', was her biggest defeat remember all the stories that she had to repeat but it really didn't matter if it didn't sync up there are plenty of suckers just wanna help out just a product of a southern land just one more hit he had an in-bred smile, had a cold steel grip never wanted to cry, never wanted to slip she was a hard sell woman, she tried to look her best like a hungry junkie needin' just one more hit just a product of a southern land just one more hit