Are we in heaven? (It took a while) Adrift upon the sea For now I'm feeling safe in the morning Sun Finally out of darkness (We found the coast) And hid up in the hills with you For now I'm feeling safe from the coming tide Hiding in the light of an easy love (The girl on my living room floor) I only find that the time is pure when it’s gone To rest here in the morning Sun Or eradicate the peace between us My greatest curse is to know and still not believe Our greatest gift is to know a thing and still not believe it Hiding in the light of an easy love (The girl on my living room floor) I only find that the time is pure when it’s gone Hiding in the light of an easy love (The woman on my living room floor) I only find that the time is pure when it’s gone And if you don’t mind I might like to help myself And when it comes for me will you comfort me as well And if you don’t mind I might like to help myself And when it comes for me will you comfort me as well