The whipped silence lived and breathed stilt over trees A left mist lens by invisible hand evil Forward nightpiece of moon that recovered knees By the lovers freeze towards the candlelight room A cometh in rue (voyeur wood) As terror bellows stoke brands in cornucopia of unconscious Neo messiah of woe Reborn in blood Vomitosis of faith Strelitzia grew (under plenilune pray) To snare from ground her steps 'cause she has obsessed his gaze Not Death knowing laze Bistoury wale The final schism to make Clod cursed in Mould ecumenical Pain matrix Absinth in fecalix "...No vices for novices..." Well, Torn balmoral hung down Over rotten trunk, the old Abbot still lay libidinous Under shade of her gown Twice had sinned and In vice he purloined life Of a young naive novice A deceit to the pureness Tumid purply marks adorned As neckband her throat She consecrated to the horned An arcadiagram of bort A talardent will trespassed in fatalent thrill But nadir wood hid horrid clough warder deep Of a never-found corpse, Abbess had induced to kill Astride, seducing siege to plant with devil her seed Cannibal soul Murder of doll (exchanging heart chaste for a century given) Covenant seal Necrogamy treat Conventombed fate Synodious flames Under Jezebel name (a conventity wicked from an ancient trigram) On dial belfry to shed Triad zodiacal lymph She libertine timeless nymph "...Per duplicem noxam Hanc sanguinem fundo Immortalibus hostia Meum pactum renovo Cenaculum vitae Oraculum mortis Malo cultum reiectum Ab codice scripto..." In the night of stars alignment She uttered formula at third bell To rechristen her-self another once and carve apse clerical sham Mass catholycantropic black drew the inquisitors to cleric cell But those unveiled him hanged by the long red novice tress This way was completed her ritual slaying Under his feet a painted trigram At the cusps of which three acronyms headed Virgo Scorpio Gemini astral Castitas Turpitudo Seductio A name and a place: "Abeljez-Campanaria" As the cadaver naked revealed this message skin-cut So they climb to dial, Her in calvaria to damn "...Nunc sacram interdictam Sed mox Abbatissam Suspensam meridie..."