Oppression drove us To the state Of riot, resistance and rage! We forged new blades Of shining steel! We might have been Just peasants, But we turned another page, When our untamed nature We unveiled! The silence stopped When we appeared with Hunger in our eyes! The angels hid behind The clouds from our Infernal cries! We stood as one And screamed aloud Our chests bloated By steam: We're burning to march On for victory!!!! The silence came back To the fields, The stench of death took over The reign on this Desecrated ground! Through broken eyes The martyrs stared At the backs of their Fleeing comrades! The earth is running scared! Out of the silence came A scream, our armies built A raging stream! We sank our teeth in skin And blood, no one should Forget our attack! The rats still celebrate This day, the axewielder The host of this feast! We are the messengers Of the beast! For victory For victory The silence stopped When we appeared with Hunger in our eyes! The angels hid behind The clouds from our Infernal cries! We stood as one And screamed aloud Our chests bloated By steam: We're burning to march On…Ale Victory!!!! Ale! Ale! Ale! Victory!