Let me tell you something right now Don't you ever try to call me back You understand me? I'm gonna say this right now for the record I'm 100 percent on my mom's life On my sister's life, on your life I never ever ever caught a fucking girl Never Some pigs gave me a fucking number With a metal cast to it I took it and I put it to the table I don't know who the fuck called that bitch But it's sure as fuck wasn't me I told you never ever ever ever ever try to touch my fucking clothes And realize that I'm the only only fucking reason you have any structure in your life Do you fucking understand me? I will fucking bury you I will fucking kill you I will fucking push you under the fucking ground Do you fucking understand me? You little motherfucker I'm out here tryin to make a living for the both of us You fucking ungrateful, you fucking asshole I'm out here tryin to make a living for us And all you give a fuck about is some bitches And facebook, stay the fuck off of facebook Do you understand me? I am fucking sick, all day long I was forced trying to talk to you I will fucking bury you Do you fucking understand me? You put my fucking clothes back you son of a bitch