This song is for the brazen mother fuckers who thrive one’s who keep their wildest dreams alive We devote to you every note of our goddamned sound Ones who building up when other people are breaking down ones who keep the white flag neatly tucked away One who know the feeling of what its like to seize the day A salutation to that special breed one who know the difference ‘tween want and need Know how to identify the weakest and the strong Got their own interpretation of the words right and wrong Running smooth paying mind of all the fine details Rowing hard till they find the wind back in their sails Magic gracious beings making certainty seem like chance Keep us in the mix when you’re driving the road real fast play us fucking loud just before the die is cast You’re the very people we like to call our kin When all is seeming lost the one who find a way to win. You brilliant shining stars we want to see some come down to the front where you deserve to be To you we offer up our purest rock and roll Springing from the deepest part of our burning souls Plugged into the universe that’s without a doubt Right here right now that’s what it’s all about. Yeh.