Runnin' down a purple shallow, goin' down somewhere Goin' down the alleyway, lookin' for a dead dog with a custard pie I am looking for a dildo in the sky And if I find it soon, I think I'll call the Menendez boys Chorus: Think I'll call the Menendez boys Turnin' on the TV setÃ,Â-Ã,Â-hypnotic neon queen Rollin' underwater in a green narcotic dream Buy a big baseball bat, then call up the Rubberman In plastic frown, blow up this town, think I'll call the Menendez boys Chorus repeat x3 Coolin' out at Big 51, got a sleepin' bag and a new canteen Shave my body of every hairÃ,Â-Ã,Â-rub me down with amphetamine Jump back in my railÃ,Â-Ã,Â-punchin' it I got spooked2 Remove tattoos, the Bel Air bluesÃ,Â-Ã,Â-think I'll call the Menendez boys Chorus repeat Livin' on a crooked roadÃ,Â-Ã,Â-like a dust bowl refugee Crawlin' on the freewayÃ,Â-Ã,Â-cleanin' my teeth with a barbecue comb You can call me Sam, or you can bark my hole And you can use my dick for a walkin' pole Slattery has his wakeÃ,Â-Ã,Â-a boomer in my stash An angle slide in BaltimoreÃ,Â-Ã,Â-Top 40 pederast Everybody got another 'nother plan Everybody got another 'nother land Never never never never never never never! Never never never! Chorus repeat x4