Over and over and over and over Again and again and again and again and again Three hundred units per hour Hour after hour after hour Please adjust your packing-rate accordingly An endless array of tat for us to pick Stretching and reaching and crouching and bending over Three hundred units per hour Hour after hour after hour Please adjust your packing-rate accordingly Increase productivity! Increase productivity! Increase productivity! My body hurts all over but I must keep on working To meet all my quotas or I may face the sack Stretching, crouching, reaching, bending Stretching, crouching, reaching, bending Bedding and power tools, tablets and football shirts Perfume and Blu-Ray discs, jewelry and dehumidifiers I am desperate for the toilet But if I go, I'll miss my targets All I can do is pee in a bottle They treat us like animals here There's nothing left of me By the time I shuffle homeward On the early morning train To eat a little breakfast and sleep a while Before it starts again Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh A young lad trying to make some cash in the Christmas rush Fell asleep on his feet and was asked not to return Three hundred units per hour Hour after hour after hour A lady in her mid to late fifties keeled over And started convulsing and frothing at the mouth Three hundred units per hour Hour after hour after hour A gentleman who spoke little English Started to scream at the top of his lungs No one could understand what he was getting at Everyone stared ahead and kept working until Someone came from on high to escort him from the building Increase productivity! Increase productivity! Increase productivity! PlayStations, Xboxes, Nintendo Wiis Microwaves, toasters, espresso machines Brollies and snooker cues Hoovers and paint Trainers and tarot cards (Stretching, crouching, reaching, bending) Dash-cams and wall-art (Stretching, crouching, reaching, bending) Lego and shaving foam, onesies and retractable extension leads I've been given compulsory overtime over the holidays Now I can't go to see my family in Galashiels 'til the new year There's nothing left of me by the time I shuffle homeward On the early morning train To eat a little breakfast and sleep a while Before it starts again There's more, there has to be More to life than killing yourself to survive One day, I'm going to run my own cafe Ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh