Blade unsheathed Incisions required Perfectly filleted Procedure with precision Slicing straight through skin Subcutaneous tissue Penetration of skull Procedure of craniotomy Once the brain is exposed Every detail laid bare Each quadrant ready For the surgeons masterpiece Instruments of artistry Sharpened to perfection For an accurate incision Anaesthesia preparation Journeying to the mind Extraction of decaying flesh Fit for the furnace Undertaking of necessity Supreme knife wielder Commences enucleation Taking aim Plasma eruption Scalp is pulled and then it’s secure All excess bleeding is controlled Duramater separation Intracranial pressure monitored Decay and adulteration Purging of decrepitude Replacement of defilement With salubrious constitution A new transmutated form A state of alteration Incorruption administered Appeal of the master surgeon Continued abscission Removal of infected tissue To achieve a state Of transcendence