Revolting Cocks

Revolting Cock Au Lait

Revolting Cocks

Revolting Cock Au Lait
Revolting Cock Au Lait
Revolting Cock Au Lait

Stir my coffee with your cock.
Mmm, creamy, not too sweet.
Just the way I like it. Mmm
Revolting Cock au lait. Ole.
What flavor today?
Hey you. Oh yeah.
Ole. Lay me now.
Revolting Cock Au Lait.

Stir it with the head.
Dunk your nuts in the whole pot.
I like it. Mmmm.
Monkey butt in my mug.
Java jivin. Java juice.
You get me flowin.
Shall I dribble for you?

Make me cum. Make me flow.
Make me cum. Make me flow.
Ooh you cock runneth over.
Cock au lait. Lle. Lay me now.
Java jive. Jivin with our Java.
Taste my lava. Ill taste your cock in my coffee.

Revolting Cock Au Lait.
Revolting Cock Au Lait.
Revolting Cock Au Lait."

Love, Lady Monster