ABDUCTION ABDUCTION!! The fire burns in my veins Burning up to my thoughts Smell of burnt meat invades my nose Why can't I see the cuts? Since everything is so quiet I don't manage to hear any sound I'm afraid, afraid the true Why can't I listen you? I feel death I'm not alone Cold fingers touch me In the alien zone! Where's the end of sorrow? Time is my enemy How longer will I stay so? The death will be able to free me That face has no human forms Not even in my bad dreams I'm crazy, I'm blind! Why can't I feel my mind? Since everything is so quiet I don't manage to hear any sound I'm afraid, afraid the true Why can't I listen you? I feel death I'm not alone Cold fingers touch me In the alien zone! Where's the end of sorrow? Time is my enemy How longer will I stay so? The death will be able to free me SOLO Where's the end of sorrow? Time is my enemy How longer will I stay so? The death will be able to free me