Take your time You don't have to leave right now It's dark outside Stay longer if you can I know it's hard Trying to be a hero You will learn That you're only human You're only human You're only human And you don't need to feel like you are the answer And it's crazy, but the power is to know it Every pain you're feeling now will be important So discover all the greatness you're unlocking 'Cause you're only human All your tears Will make sense when the time comes You're not weak You're only human You're only human And you don't need to feel like you are the answer And it's crazy, but the power is to know it Every pain you're feeling now will be important So discover all the greatness you're unlocking And you don't need to feel like you are the answer And it's crazy, but the power is to know it Every pain you're feeling now will be important So discover all the greatness you're unlocking