


Clouds of nuclear heat rushed past by a summer 
The beam of a sun hits to my eyes by a ultraviolet 
Swarm of bees of voices, I rejected by you 
A scream of wolves remains, calling a pack 
I am given birth by poverty 
Raised by famine of wars 
Burnt by an indifference.. 
I dreamed of one, to survive … 
I am hungry, an animal instinct 
The crunch of bonds excites my brain 
Hatred helps me to live 
Fear of death generates a rage 
I shall be spilled by an acid 
In blue of your eyes 
I shall filter from heavens a rain 
I destroy your bit of world 
To be a predatory animal is exciting power 
To gobble up the weakling is insatiable defect. 
People - wolves, people - jackals 
If only to survive in human pack.