Regina Belle

The Big Bad Broken Heart

Regina Belle

I told mamma 
Time to make my way now
I'll be departin' 
Any day now
She dried a tear 
And whispered 
Well ok now
Then she proceeded 
To offer me this advice
She said some night 
You're gonna find romance
Some boy who is 
Gonna want a slow dance
You'll melt when he takes 
A hold of your hand
That's one time you might 
Outta better think twice

Sometimes love strikes 
Like lightning
Never seen 
Nothing so exciting
Head over heals 
And that's where 
The trouble starts
Boys will lead you 
On like 
It's all or nothing
When they start 
That huffin' 
And a puffin'
Watch out 
For the big bad 
Broken heart

Those boys 
Don't know 
The word devotion
Passion is just 
A passing motion
They'll leave you 
Bobbing in loves ocean
With a sea of tears 
Welling up in your eyes
