I never be herd ! When I here can not stay Breake my hearts begans ! And goes to you day by day... [Goes to you] REFRAIN: I can't live, I can't live, I can't live, I can't live without you... All time Ii need you ! I can't live, I can't live, I can't live, I can't live without you... All time I need you ! I lose my mind ! When I look at you I do no other way But I want to you ! [But I want to you] REFRAIN: I can't live, I can't live, I can't live, I can't live without you... All time Ii need you ! I can't live, I can't live, I can't live, I can't live without you... All time I need you ! I can't live, I can't live, I can't live, I can't live without you... All time Ii need you ! I can't live, I can't live, I can't live, I can't live without you... All time I need you ! I can't live... I can't live...