Red Vox

Between The Cheeks

Red Vox

As I approach the outer rim
Pray to God you'll let me in
So we can fill this hole
Between us
I know that I've been wrong
But I know where I belong
And I'mma fly between the moons
Of venus
Prepare your ship for docking
My probe is set for interlocking

Between the cheeks of love
The cheeks of love

As I look into your eye
It's as brown as chocolate pie
Stanky sweet like leaves in november
I know we've had too much space
And I've forgot that look upon your face
And I've been thinking bout that butt
I remember
Open up that astro-door
Cause baby I'mma coming home

Between the cheeks of love
The cheeks of love

Between the cheeks of love
There lies a little story
That my mammy and my pappy
Told me when I was a boy

Between the cheeks of love
The cheeks of love

Deep between the cheeks of love
Deep between the cheeks of love
Deep between the cheeks of love
Deep between the cheeks of love
Deep between the cheeks of love
Deep between the cheeks of love
Deep between the cheeks of love

Not the cheeks you're thinking of
Not the cheeks you're thinking of
Deep between the cheeks of love
Deep between the cheeks of love
Deep between the cheeks of love

Enquanto me aproximo da borda exterior
Rezo a Deus para que você me deixe entrar
Para podermos preencher esse buraco
Entre nós
Eu sei que estive errado
Mas sei onde pertenço
E irei voar entre as Luas
De Vênus
Prepare sua nave para se encaixar
Por que minha sonda está pronta para se interligar

Entre as bochechas do amor
Bochechas do amor

Enquanto eu encaro o seu olho
É marrom como uma torta de chocolate
Doce fedor como folhas em novembro
Eu sei que tivemos muito espaço
E me esqueci desse olhar no seu rosto
E eu estive pensando sobre essa bunda
Eu me lembro
Abra essa porta astral
Por que querida, estou voltando pra casa

Entre as bochechas do amor
Bochechas do amor

Entre as bochechas do amor
Existe uma pequena história
Que minha mamãe e meu papai
Me contaram quando eu era um garotinho

Entre as bochechas do amor
Bochechas do amor

Profundamente entre as bochechas do amor
Profundamente entre as bochechas do amor
Profundamente entre as bochechas do amor
Profundamente entre as bochechas do amor
Profundamente entre as bochechas do amor
Profundamente entre as bochechas do amor
Profundamente entre as bochechas do amor

Não as bochechas que você está pensando
Não as bochechas que você está pensando
Profundamente entre as bochechas do amor
Profundamente entre as bochechas do amor
Profundamente entre as bochechas do amor