I´m not happy in going to school... But I´m supposed to be... Everybody think I´m fool This makes me cry... Every night... Now, my old friends are gone.. And now I´m alone, alone in this world You smell Go to hell... They tell me I cry every night alone! In my home... (solo) I´m happy on being alone, now they can´t say that I´m fool Circled in their group... Hiting me... I´m not free! Jesus help me Please(3x) Jesus help me Please(3x) They avoid me... Everytime we do a project All one avoid me Girls avoid me too.. I´m not happy(2x) I´m alone(3x) (solo) Well I think about suicide My mom is dead My father is already gone I have no sister... I have no brother... You that hear my song, if you have a brother or sister, love him... love him(2x) My live is gone... Suddenly rings the phone... How long, how long, how long is your mom death? Why you play with me Make me free.. (solo) Brother help me My life is gone Help me to survive Don´t scream with me (solo) (NARRADOR) 3 months after Richard Svaka composed this music He suicide jumping from the 15th floor of a historical museum, he considered this music his goodbye card...