Anywhere I go You're always in my heart Anywhere I travel will never fall apart I can get lost Lose my direction Still have a connection Anywhere I go Anywhere I go You're always in my heart Anywhere I travel will never fall apart I can get lost Lose my direction Still have a connection Anywhere I go Keep your smile In the back of my mind To keep me warm When the night gets cold When I look up And see the stars Wherever you are Come with me Anywhere I go You're always in my heart Anywhere I travel will never fall apart I can get lost Lose my direction Still have a connection Anywhere I go Hold me closer take a high? You'll never have to miss me Keep my smile In the back of your mind To keep you warm When the nights get cold When you look up And see the stars Wherever you are Carry me Anywhere you go You're always in my heart Anywhere you travel Will never fall apart You can get lost Lose your direction Still have a connection Anywhere you go Still have a connection