Children of the Gospelsong Sing into your soul Go - time to leave the fold Do you believe a word can change faith ? I want every-man-jack here What do we know Where do we belong and what shall we become Gospelsong Follow thee, follow thee, follow thee Children of the Gospelsong Your tongues are forked But has enlightenment Shed you of your foolish phantoms ? Do you believe in old Leviticus and James ? Well I got some information for you I would like to send myself Together with my wisthful hopes In astral boats across that sea (Life offers me not a chance/not a possibility Just a Gospelsong) What do we know? Where do we belong and what shall we become? Gospelsong Follow thee, follow thee, follow thee What do we know? Where do we belong and what shall we become? Gospelsong Follow thee, follow thee, follow thee Gospelsong Gospelsong Follow thee