Still can't feel the gin Though the air has grown thick Yes, and the room, it does spin Here she comes again With her eyes like flames Yes and her silk-like skin She can't keep no rhythm And I can't count no time Shes the best thing that I have seen In this joint tonight And All I want to do Is woman, Just to dance with you And all I want to see Yes is a woman Could you walk my way? Oh no Where will I go tomorrow Tomorrow Tomorrow I wake up alone Jukeboxes jumping all over that country blues She lets down her hair and slips off her shoes Maybe shes just a little too high Maybe she ain't got that much to lose You cannot deny that the way she moves... And All I want to do Is woman, Just to dance with you And all I want to see Is woman, Could you walk my way? Oh no Where will I go tomorrow Tomorrow Tomorrow I wake up alone Tomorrow Tomorrow I wake up alone