


A raven will come in the solstice divine 
And bring the truth upon mankind 
The blade and the shield will speak of war once again 
The hills will bed our fallen men. 

The sound of steel breaking bones of our foes 
Avenging the lies of the past 
To battle we march singing songs to the brave 
To conquer weakness from within 
Then will come a better time after this 
A time of shining steel and pride... 

Here I roam obscured and lonely 
Haunted by an angel 
No one can see what the gloom withholds 
Ha... the shine is blinding 
Abigor the host, the warrior soul 
Gather beside me your legion 

"...We cast our spell and praise the goat 
The warriors of the night..." 

"...Conquer the Raventhrone..." 

Here I am on the world's darkest side 
Where the wind unsilent blows 
Crystal eyes as I'm ready to fight to reach what will be mine again 
Blade of steel and a spirit strong and proud 
I am the wolf among the flock 
Marching forward never turning back 
Ahead there my future lies 
Silence will come to the world all around 
When I kill my foes with rage 
Then will come a better time after this 
A time of shining steel and pride...