Monarchs of utter glory Gather upon atrocity To destroy and collide in honor As Ur it's the site of this un creation Funeral events shrines in dark Imperial gathering unifies From North to South Into East and West Blessed be those into the un light Perpetual allegiance Never known Spirits of the most high command Join frightfully Ritualistic enforcement within Through dogmas of those blind Into lie and futile phallacy Curse all the race of men Grim emperors from nowhere Since no time were conceived And no flesh or living stands into life Liers in wait From profound unknown sites Naxzgul Telal Uggae Iddimnu Xastur Utuk - Xul Maskim Xul Shiru Rabishu Zibanitum Uruk Hai Gula Pa-Bil-Sag Kur Shadu IA! Rax Kakulja Nima Kakulja Dueño de Luz y Oscuridad Flama de Odio y Certeza Invade la Eternidad From utter corners of mankind Congregation of elders one occur Portals of thy obscure dawn Implodes unto Abyssal might Glory to the Kommanders of the Impiety As kaos had bring us knowledge To this bestial summoning of sin Rise high Naxzgul Lords Behind the Paramounts of Madness