Yeah, he was big landowner. He was a bad mouthbreather. But you can see his station wagon stand alone. Woulda, coulda, we should have known. He was a failed cropduster. I am his little sister. He was a whistleblower for the F. D. A. Maybe was them sent him away. He was a football player. He didn't have a lot to say. That guy's a lousy actor. He was a hard-core cracker. He wore a trenchcoat and he waved the Dixie flag. But he's my brother, so I brag. Don't be a dark naysayer. So they all said he was a fag. He had a really big TrenchMouth When we were living way down South. He had a really big TrenchMouth. It's on the edge of nowhere. No way for them to go there. I know I'm not much help, but here is where I'll stay. I'm hoping they'll find him some day. I should put up some flyers. Can you think of another way? He had a really big TrenchMouth When we were living way down South. Then he up and disappeared. He just left his car up here. He had a really big TrenchMouth When we were living way down South. He had a really big TrenchMouth. Nobody seems to know why he Would disappear just leave me here. On a dirty hill for all time Me and the pinetree that I stand behind. He had a really big TrenchMouth When we were living way down South. He had a really big TrenchMouth.