* the unreleased 1994 version of "soul on ice" (scientist voice: "say, what do you suppose is the most important part of the body? Some people say the feet, because we all have to walk. Some say the eyes, because we all have to see. Some say the heart...[voice becomes distorted]") (you got emcees, you got entertainers, And you got lyricists, which one are you?) Brace yourself...impact... Crack...boom... Motherfuckers, My molecular structure Is that of an alien Coming out a bald white bitch On some shit that's wig-splittin' Got niggas' heads dividing faster Than nerds at a calculus convention Beyond comprehension I implement my mental Over instrumentals And it becomes as detrimental To a nigga As tuskegee experiments with syphilis The fundemental rudiments Studying the phonics of yesteryear Pioneers found buried in sediment plates Trying to metrate alphabetics It took two weeks to estimate the way the old school emcee's said it I break down the elements Of rocking a mic cable Like a periodical table Subject matter, (1) production (2), delivery (3) With the collection of all three Theoretically, E = emcee squared But there's a sucka born every minute, it appears That's 1,440 a day, 525,600 redundant rappers a year (complex concepts) And i'm positive as protons, Niggas won't comprehend john So fuck bone, i'm bad to the chromosome All 46 that dwell in each somatic cell Could raise more hell Than darryl, jones, rusty, or satan Exercise my mind And turn fat tracks to muscle I come from every angle Like 90 degrees in diameter The hemis chemist Isolating isotopes Under microscopes I bioengineer (jacob's coil???) Let your lens focus Through osmosis, Just standing next to me I thought you knew (i thought you knew) I'm the b-boy scientist "with the high iq"