Behold, the sower he went out to sow
Some fell by the wayside and upon the stone
Not a chance for them to grow
In a soil that’s so shallow
Behold, the sower he went out to sow

We need a good seed
We need a good seed
Yes, righteousness will feed
That good seed

Harvest time is coming up nigh
The wheat and the tares
Have grown up so high
Now’s the time when we will know
Who shall stay and who will go
Behold the sower he went out to sow

We need a good seed
We need a good seed
Yah, righteousness will feed
That good seed

I feet are planted pon the solid foundation
Jah keep me focused, steady meditation
We reading it up from genesis to revelation
We are the trumpet of the truth
Babylon heaping up corruption
When jah fire burn, it burn like eruption
Soon come a time of reconstruction
Educate the youth

We need a good seed
We need a good seed
Jah righteousness will feed
That good seed