


to Your Common Sense Firm Arguments I Won't Listen to Your Voice of Reason
Trying to Change My Mind. I Mind My Feelings and Not Your Words. Didn't You
Notice I'm So Headstrong Even When I Know I'm Wrong? Take This to Your Heart
And Into Your Head Now: Before You Waste Your Time, Call a Truce and Call a 
What's the Use in Mapping Your Views Out in Orderly Form When It Does
Nothing But Confuse and Anger Me More? I Mind My Feelings and Not Your Words. 
Didn't You Notice I'm So Headstrong. You're Talking to a Deaf Stone Wall.
Take This to Your Heart and Into Your Head Now: the Old Wives' Tale Is True,
I'll Repeat It. All Is Fair in Love and War, That's How the Famous Saying Goes.
Open Up Your Eyes, See Me For What I Am: Cast in Iron, I Won't Break and I
Won't Bend. Take This to Your Heart and Into Your Head Now: the Old Wives' 
Tale Is True, I'll Repeat It. All Is Fair in Love and War, That's How the 
Famous Saying Goes.
If I Told You We Were Out to Sea in a Bottomless Boat, You'd Try Anything To
Save Us, You'd Try Anything to Keep Us Afloat. and If We Were Living in A
House Afire, I Don't Believe That You Could Rush Out and Escape It and Not
Rescue Me. Take This to Your Heart and Into Your Head Now: the Old Wives' Tale
Is True, I'll Repeat It. All Is Fair in Love and War, That's How the Famous 
Saying Goes. Listen, I Think They Were Talking to You.