I Dreamed of a Circle, I Dreamed of a Circle Round. And in That Circle I Had Made Were All the Worlds Unformed and Unborn Yet. A Volume, a Sphere That Was the Earth, That Was the Moon, That Did Revolve Around My Room. I Dreamed of a Circle, I Dreamed of a Circle Round. And in That Circle Was a Maze, a Terrible Spiral to Be Lost In. Blind in My Fear, I Was Escaping Just By Feel. But At Every Turn My Way Was Sealed. I Dreamed of a Circle, I Dreamed of a Circle Round. And in That Circle Was a Face. Her Eyes Looked Upon Me With Fondness. Her Warmth Coming Near, Calling Me "Sweetness," Calling Me "Dear." But I Whispered, "No, I Can't Rest Here." I Dreamed of a Circle, I Dreamed of a Circle Round.