Taxi boy on the side of the road No shirt, he's all on his own Where'd you come from? Where'd you need to go? Shivering you look chilled to the bone Which way? Which way? Which ways home? Can we help you? Which way? Which way? Which ways home? I wish I knew You don't look alright What's been going on tonight? Come and sit by our side It's gonna be fine Taxi boy on the side of the road No shirt, he's all on his own Where'd you come from? Where'd you need to go? Shivering you look chilled to the bone No one else in sight Here comes the daylight Time to run and hide It's gonna be fine So long, so long taxi boy You're on your own So long, so long taxi boy You're on your own So long, so long taxi boy You're on your own So long, so long taxi boy You're on your own