
Eternal dream


The eternal dream to want to die 
In the most infinite solitude 
makes You be the soul that decays in depression 

What is the dreamed? 
Just you stay distant of this miserable 
and simultaneously Wonderful life 
in which you wanted to tear apart each existence 
Of melancholy and let them flow 
where your mind someday arrived 

Hatred, pain for your conscience and soul. 
try to escape, if you can. 

If anytime you try it, your forces will finish 
and you will arrive crying out by the dark 
and eternal dream That you have in the hell of your being. 

Now you know it, The brightness of the dark is reflecting 
To show you the way where you must go. 
It's the abyss you always were in. 

Reality doesn't let you see the absolute truth, 
And the truth is that you are the inert. 

You believe in immortality 
to be able to know that you will even arrive 
further on where you will perhaps die 
peacefully with yourself.